Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How Southern States Workers Compensation Insurance Differs From Most

The division of Workers Compensation manages the workers compensation of Texas Employees. Now not all employees have Texas workers compensation insurance (TWCI) because it is not mandatory in Texas, but most businesses do carry it and most employees are covered.It is up to the employees to get a policy from a licensed insurance carrier if their employer does not offer any. This may cost you a pretty little penny if you need to do so, however can save you later on down the road. Having workers compensation can save you a bundle if you ever do get injured on the job and are not covered. It is important to find out first from your company or employer if you are covered. IT is also essential to find out if you are covered, how much you are covered. This general knowledge is important for any employee to know.Since not all businesses in Texas are mandated to have workers compensation for their employees, they can face a serious amount of damages if an employee is injured on the job. It doesn't matter whether the employee on or off the premise as long as their clocked in. This is even included if they get into an automobile accident while on the job.The state of Texas will award money to an employee if they're injured on the job and can convince a court that it was the company or employers negligence that led to the injury. That means that since the business didn't have workers compensation for the employees they will be facing a large sum of money that they will have to pay the employee. That could have easily been avoided had they purchased WCI. WCI is fairly cheap when purchased through an independent insurer and is a lot cheaper then dealing with a bunch of employees who have gotten hurt on the job.In 1992 a legislative became effective which stated that all insurance carriers must develop and go by their own rates. This means that you can literally shop around for the best quotes and rates for your business and employees. This makes it a lot easier for an employer to shop around for the best coverage to fit his or her needs.Texas workers compensation insurance differs greatly from other states so it is important to do your research first before anything. Be sure to always question your business or employer on if you have workers compensation, if not seek it yourself.

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