Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Repetitive Strain Injury Law

Seek Legal Help for Your Repetitive Strain CompensationIf you're experiencing the following conditions you may be suffering from a condition known as RSI, repetitive strain injury.o Muscle pain the arm areao Decrease in strength and movemento Hypersensitivityo Weakness and fatigue in the hand and armso A sub-conscious reduction in the use of the aching limb or handAll of these symptoms are common side effects of what is known as the CTD (cumulative trauma disorder), RSI. Other recognized CTDs include, carpal tunnel syndrome and writer's cramp. There has been a recent rise in RSI, although it is not a new condition due to the increased use of computers and the automation of work including assembly lines and digital machinery.Other common causes of RSI include:o Poor or ergonomically unfriendly work environmentso Unsafe work conditions and equipmento Lack of breaks during worko Poor posture when sitting and/or standingo High stress work environmentsIf you suffer from the effects of RSI and believe that is due to your work environment you should:Seek medical attention.- Only a doctor can diagnose you with RSI, therefore it's important that you visit one as soon as you experience any symptoms associated with this injury. You will also need this documentation if you need to file for repetitive strain compensation. Commonly prescribed treatments for RSI include medication, massage therapy, steroids, exercise, and even surgery.Avoid any behavior that may cause the pain.-Try not to aggravate or worsen the condition by avoiding any actions or behaviors that cause the pain, such as excessive typing, straining, or slouching while working. While it may not alleviate all the pain it can help to reduce the symptoms until you seek medical help and help prevent new injuries once you've received treatment.Seek repetitive strain compensation from your employer if the symptoms do not get better.-If your injury is severe and prohibiting you from functioning in your job role, you may have to seek repetitive strain compensation from your employer. This compensation is often considered a form of worker's compensation and will require that you seek medical evaluation as mentioned before.If you need help in determining whether you should file a claim for repetitive strain compensation, contacting a personal injury lawyer is advisable. They can review your case and provide you a guide as to what your best plan of action is in getting the repetitive strain compensation you need to get back to work and a healthy lifestyle.

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